S6E61 Interview with Thomas Kutzman, Co-CEO of Prevu
If you're wanting to buy a home in NYC, then buckle up, because that's a competitive market with lots of rules. As a consumer you'll probably start shopping online but you're not likely to know all the added fees and costs when buying in NYC. On a million dollar property (not all that atypical for NYC), you'll have to fork out about $38,000 in closing costs—YIKES! But what if you could get more than half of those costs rebated right back to you after you buy? (Rebate as a Service, if you will) That's just a little taste of what Prevu is bringing to the market. Thomas Kutzman, Co-CEO of Prevu, is re-imagining how a brokerage can build a reputable brand, provide clarity and transparency to consumers, and create a work environment for real estate agents that is more stable and predictable than running their own business. Prevue believes they're building a superior business that will enable agents to work a smaller foot print and operate more efficiently than the standard brokerage model offers. Definitely listen into the part where we talk about some of the lead generation tactics Prevu is using as well—I was very impressed!
Thomas is Co-CEO and Co-Founder of Prevu, a customer-focused digital home buying platform delivering industry-leading efficiency and savings. Frustrated over the lack of control and transparency he experienced throughout the home buying process, he launched Prevu in 2017 with his good friend, Chase Marsh, to establish a smarter way to transact. Before Prevu, Thomas spent 12 years working at highly established asset management firms in both the US and Europe, where he gained valuable experience investing in technology companies. He has been an active real estate investor for over a decade. Thomas holds a BS in Finance & Accounting from the Stern School of Business at NYU.
Prevu's website - prevu.com
Prevu on Twitter - twitter.com/prevurealestate
Thomas Kutzman on LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/thomaskutzman
Thomas Kutzman on Twitter - twitter.com/thomaskutzman
Email Thomas at thomas@prevu.com